About NuGet

To reword some quotes: NuGet makes it easy to add, remove, and update libraries and tools in .Net projects. NuGet is a free, open source developer focused package management intent on simplifying the process of incorporating third party libraries into a .NET application during development. 
There are several flavors of NuGet package managers:

Set Up NuGet (one-time setup on your computer)

  1. If you don't have an API key, get one from nuget.org by registering and then viewing your account info.
  2. Download NuGet and put somewhere convenient one your computer.
  3. Add NuGet.exe to your path.
  4. Set your API key (NuGet will remember it). You only need an API key if you're going to 'push' NuGet packages.
   > NuGet SetApiKey <MyApiKey>

Set Up a NuGet Published Project

  1. Set the metadata on the project (in Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs, set AssemblyTitle, etc)
  2. Use NuGet to bring in dependencies using Add Library Package (see http://nuget.codeplex.com/documentation?title=Getting%20Started)
  3. Create the nuspec file (from the folder that contains the project file)
   > NuGet YourPackage.nuspec
  1. Edit the nuspec file. 
  •  The fields tokened like $id$, $version$, etc will be filled in later using values from your AssemblyInfo
  •  Remove fields you don't need, e.g. <iconUrl>
  •  At the least, the <projectUrl> and <licenseUrl> _should_ be filled in.

Publish the Project

  1. Ensure NuGet is up-to-date
   > NuGet update
  1. Package the project (the command below is just an example...)
   > NuGet pack -prop Configuration=Release MyProject.csproj
  1. Publish the package (either push using the command below or place the .nupkg file in the server's packages folder)
   > NuGet push <packagepath> [-source http://mydomain.com/nuget] [MyApiKeyForThisSource]

Set Up a NuGet Server

Perhaps WebMatrix can be used instead of IIS for these?
  • Option A: The traditional "easy" method... See "Creating Remote Feeds" here (requires IIS): 
  • Option B: The traditional "full-featured" method (requires IIS, Orchard gallery, others): 
  • Option C: A full-featured implementation without requiring Orchard (requires IIS):
  • Option D: An implementation for Apache/MySQL/PHP servers:
   What? This doesn't exist yet? Darn!

Traffic Question 15: Mailing a letter

Traffic Question 15:

During a period of heavy traffic, you want to mail a letter and then head in the direction of the pink arrow. How do you do it?

  1. Stop at Mailbox A, then do a U turn
  2. Park in a spot near Mailbox A, then turn left out of the parking lot
  3. Use Mailbox A, then use the left turn lane at the intersection to do a legal U turn
  4. Turn right at the main street, turn left into the parking lot for Mailbox B, then go through the intersection in the desired direction

Traffic Question 14: A traffic light turns yellow and you’re not quite going to make it through before it turns red... what do you do?

Traffic Question 14:

A traffic light turns yellow and you’re not quite going to make it through before it turns red... what do you do?

  1. Stomp on the gas pedal and zoom through
  2. Continue through the intersection without any change in speed
  3. Wait until the last second and then stomp on the brake
  4. Start coming to a gradual stop immediately
  5. None of the above

Traffic Question 9: If you get a phone call while you’re driving, what do you do?

traffic-09q.pngTraffic Question 9: If you get a phone call while you’re driving, what do you do?

A. Answer it right away

B. Wait until you get to a stop light and call back.

C. Stop at a stop sign and call back.

D. See who it is. If you think it might be an emergency, park the car in a designated parking area and then call back.

(Yes, this is pretty similar to #2 If you get a text while you’re driving... The main difference is, texting on the phone is illegal whereas talking on the phone is legal. At least in Moline.)

Traffic Question 12: Which of the following are factors in whether or not a vehicle is going to be slower than normal?

Traffic Question 12:

Which of the following are factors in whether or not a vehicle is going to be slower than normal?

* Car is Buick, Cadillac, or similar type

* One or more children are present

* Vehicle is a minivan

* Age of driver is over 60

* Handicapped license plates

* Driver is using cell phone

* Vehicle is a "sporty" color

* Driver is female

Traffic Quiz 6: Is it possible to back out of a driveway and use only one lane?

traffic-06q.pngTraffic Question 6:

The blue dots indicate the path used to pull IN the driveway.

Is it possible to back out of a driveway and head in the direction indicated by the pink arrow, using only one lane of the road?

A. No, one lane is not enough room.

B. Yes, it can be done in one lane.