Traffic Question 11:

What can you do about a slow driver in front of you?

A. Drive as closely behind them as possible

B. Honk and flash your headlights

C. Make a phone call

D. Nothing. Drive normally, a normal distance behind.

Moliner’s Answer:

A. Drive as closely as possible.

Everyone knows that driving on someone’s tail makes them go faster. This is due to the law of gravity (large bodies attract each other). Wait, that doesn’t work... umm...

Driving on their tail has an effect that gets you where you’re going faster, due to reduced proximity between vehicles. Physicists don’t have an explanation for this effect, yet.

Conventional Answer:

D. Nothing

If the driver in front doesn’t pulll over or let you pass, you’ll just have to be patient until you can legally and safely go past.

Driving on someone’s tail does NOT make them go faster.  In fact, if you annoy them enough, they might slow down more (that would be me, because, hey, I’m usually over the speed limit by a few mph, anyway).

You are not going to get there any faster by driving too close.


Converting version control repositories from Bazaar to Git (bzr to git)

Bazaar is great on Windows. Several years later, git's tools for Windows still.... (ahem) are lacking or too commercial. However, official development on it has ended and git is so much more popular now. So I think the time has come to convert all my beloved bzr repositories to git.

First we need note some prerequisites:

Adding a hardware clock to Raspberry Pi (DS3231)

The popular clock module is uses the DS1307 real time clock chip, which is not very precise. For just a few dollars more, you can get a module with a much more precise DS3231 RTC chip. The one I got was SunFounder's module from Amazon for $9 (free shipping for Prime). It plugs right onto the Raspberry Pi's 40 pin header and doesn't even interfere with the plastic case I have. I have a Model B, but this module should also work on Model A and Model B+. The instructions refer to DS1307, but the chips use the same I2C commands, so it also works for DS3231.

How to run a PiPresents show when you don't have a Raspberry Pi

PiPresents is some pretty cool software that will run a PowerPoint-like presentation. But with lots more flexibility. It was originally written for the Raspberry Pi.

However.... perhaps someone else has your Pi. Perhaps you don't even have one. It is possible to run a PiPresents show on  your good ol' desktop computer (Windows, Linux, or Mac). Here's how.