Here's a pretty simple thing I threw together with leftover bits, but it would be worthy of actually planning for it. The ones you see in restaraunts usually have chorizo in them, but a) I don't currently have any leftover chorizo, and b) who wants to mess around with cooking for a midnight snack?

  • 2 parts Nacho cheese
  • 2 parts Jack cheese, torn into small pieces
  • 1 part Black bean dip (we had this one from Pace)
  • Salsa to taste (I chose this one from Riverwalk Cantina, out of the four salsas in our fridge)
  • (optional) To kick it up that extra notch, a bit of chipotle powder, to taste (on the dining table where normal people have pepper and salt, we have chipotle, oregano, and paprika, and, oh yeah, pepper).
  • Well, ok, I guess you need some kind of corn chips to eat this on. Some people might think eating it directly off a spoon is, I don't know, not nutritional enough or something. Sometimes I eat raw carrots. This is not one of those times.

Throw this stuff in the bowl that already has the leftover velveeta in it and heat in the microwave until melt-y, approx 1-2 minutes, stirring a couple times.


Detecting MouseEnter and MouseLeave in a control that has lots of children controls (.Net)

Seems like I have been through this before. What I want to do is hide and show something, depending on whether the mouse is inside of a certain area. For instance, I have a container of some sort with lots of controls on it. When the mouse is anywhere inside of the container, I want a link to be visible. I can't simply use the MouseEnter/MouseLeave events on the container, because MouseLeave is triggered when the mouse enters a child control and the MouseEventArgs don't say anything about what control is being entered.

Say Goodbye to Windows 8's Start Screen


All of the people I've talked to who don't like Windows 8, don't like it because of the new start screen. You know, the tiled "apps" screen. A.K.A. "Metro" screen.

Maybe that sort of thing makes sense on a touchscreen device. Not on a desktop computer or standard laptop.

This free software brings back your start menu, like in Windows 7: ClassicShell. If you set it to start in desktop mode, you can say goodbye to the start screen! Here's how.