
Traffic Question 5:

What do you do when your car falls into a pothole?


If you’ve driven in Moline, you know about the potholes. I think the high school has a special driver’s ed section about pot holes and what to do if you fall into one bigger than your car.

It’s not street driving, and it’s not off-roading... it’s called Moline-roading. Jeep offers a Moline-Roading package that comes standard with heavy duty suspension, lift package, and front and rear winches.

My daughter has her own version of The Wheels on the Bus... “go clunkety-clunk, clunkety-clunk, clunkety-clunk”.

The way the city fixes these is the pebble-pooper: it dumps in some gravel and then squirts in some tar. Theoretically, it hardens up and meshes with the road. It sort of works until next time it rains or snows. A few days after application, anyone driving on it sprays gravel and tar everywhere.

So to answer the quiz question... well, that’s left as an exercise for the student.


Detecting MouseEnter and MouseLeave in a control that has lots of children controls (.Net)

Seems like I have been through this before. What I want to do is hide and show something, depending on whether the mouse is inside of a certain area. For instance, I have a container of some sort with lots of controls on it. When the mouse is anywhere inside of the container, I want a link to be visible. I can't simply use the MouseEnter/MouseLeave events on the container, because MouseLeave is triggered when the mouse enters a child control and the MouseEventArgs don't say anything about what control is being entered.

Say Goodbye to Windows 8's Start Screen


All of the people I've talked to who don't like Windows 8, don't like it because of the new start screen. You know, the tiled "apps" screen. A.K.A. "Metro" screen.

Maybe that sort of thing makes sense on a touchscreen device. Not on a desktop computer or standard laptop.

This free software brings back your start menu, like in Windows 7: ClassicShell. If you set it to start in desktop mode, you can say goodbye to the start screen! Here's how.